Wednesday APRIL 25, 2012
Social Contact Data Relevant for the Spread of Infectious Diseases
- Mirjam Kretzchmar: Estimating incidence and basic reproduction numbers for pertussis from serological and social contact data
- Kim Van Kerckhove: Studying behavioural change as a result of infection with A(H1N1)v using contact data
- Niel Hens: Current and future topics in modelling contact data
Epidemic Modelling
- Jacco Wallinga: Searching for variables that explain the variability in transmission intensity of influenza
- Amin Azmon: On the estimation of the reproduction number based on misreported data
- Dennis te Beest: Modulation of the generation interval of influenza A(H1N1) by social setting
Topics in the Statistical Analysis of Infectious Disease Data – Part I
- Matthias An Der Heiden: Estimates for the HIV-prevalence and -incidence in Germany in a back-calculation framework
- Stijn Jaspers: Development of a new semi-parametric mixture model for interval censored data, with applications in antimicrobial resistance
- Adriaan Blommaert: Data Mining for Longitudinal Data under Multicollinearity and Time Dependence using Penalized Generalized Estimating Equations
- Ziv Shkedy: Time homogeneity modeling of HCV among injecting drug users
Symbolic Regression for Modeling Epidemiological Systems
- Katya Vladislavleva: An Introduction
- Lander Willem & Sean Stijven: Applications
Poster session & drinks
Thursday APRIL 26, 2012
Spatial Analysis of Infectious Disease Data
- Leonhard Held: Assessing the Impact of a Movement Network on the Spatiotemporal Spread of Infectious Diseases
- Christel Faes: Bluetongue BTV8: the spatial occurrence of the vector and the disease
- Chellafe Ensoy: Studying the effect of animal movement on the spread of Bluetongue
- Jonas Reijniers: A curve of thresholds governs plague epizootics in Central Asia
Survival Methods
- Andreas Wienke: Frailty models for bivariate current status data: an application to serological data
- Steven Abrams: Modelling individual heterogeneity in the acquisition of non-immunizing infections: an application to Parvovirus B19
- Ruth Nysen: Testing Goodness-of-Fit of Parametric Models for Censored Data
Topics in the Statistical Analysis of Infectious Disease Data – Part II
- Piero Manfredi: Public information in models of vaccinating behaviour & takeoff of MMR uptake in Italy
- James Wood: Estimating from multi-sera data at multiple time-points
- Mathieu Andraud: The contribution of plasma cells to antibody kinetics: An update with application to hepatitis A
- Nele Goeyvaerts: Multivariate decay models for longitudinal censored maternal antibody levels
Quantifying Uncertainty in Economic Evaluation
- Philippe Beutels: Economic evaluation of health care interventions with special focus on vaccination.
- Joke Bilcke: Sources of uncertainty in health economic evaluations and how to account for them.
- Mark Jit: Dynamic models and model uncertainty with examples from models of recent vaccines.
- Tony Newall: A practical example of uncertainty: the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination in adults
Friday APRIL 27, 2012
Topics in the Statistical Analysis of Infectious Disease Data – Part III
- Chris Jewell: Real time Bayesian Risk Prediction for Livestock Epidemics
- Yannick Vandendyck: Eight years of internet-based monitoring of influenza-like illness in Flanders
- Benson Ogunjimi: An immunological view on VZV exogenous boosting and the possible experimental caveats
Closing of the SIMID workshop
ECDC Satellite Workshop: Modeling Varicella Transmission in the EU
Part I
- Ziv Shkedy: welcome + short introduction to the session
- Piero Manfredi: Introduction to the project
- Emilio Zagheni -Elisabetta de Cao: Contacts vs time as varicella transmission determinants
- Emanuele Del Fava: Estimating contact matrices and R0 in the EU
Part II
- Ziv Shkedy: Serological samples for VZV, what does this mean?
- Laura Fumanelli: Synthetic contact matrices for all European countries”
- Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba: The last contact (does boosting matter?)
- Giorgio Guzzetta: The Hope Simpson’s hypothesis explains zoster incidence data well
Part III
- Piero Poletti: Robustly predicting the impact of varicella vaccine on zoster
- Alessia Melegaro: Robust cost-effectiveness evaluations of the impact of varicella vaccination
- Piero Manfredi: Summary and conclusions