SIMID | Simulation Models of Infectious Disease

2-6 September2024 | Summerschool on Modelling Infectious Diseases and Health Economics

2-6 September2024 | Summerschool on Modelling Infectious Diseases and Health Economics

Improve your skills and knowledge on infectious disease modelling and health economic evaluations.

The first three days handle statistical and mathematical models for airborne and close-contact diseases. The program continues with two days full of principles and best practices for health economic evaluations with a focus on vaccines. This course is hands-on with tutorials in the R and builds upon experience and knowledge from experts in the field.

In 2020, we incorporated our yearly course into the Antwerp Summer University. Due to COVID-19, we had two online editions but since 2022 we welcomed participants again live in Antwerp. The course runs for 5 days and we start with basic concepts of disease transmission models, parameter estimation and social contact patterns.

More information is provided at the course website

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