Invited lecture Prof. Philippe Beutels

Prof. Phillippe Beutels gave on January 14th, an invited lecture at the UAntwerp spectrumlezingen entitled "Infectiemodellen als kristallen bol? Covid-19 en gezondheid, economie, welzijn en rechtvaardigheid". You can watch the recording at (in Dutch).
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SARS-CoV-2 Newsletter Jan 2021

We have merged our ongoing SARS-CoV-2 related activities in a one-page newsletter. It links to different resources and we hope you find it useful despite that it covers many topics, including more technical ones. Please don't hesitate to ask for more details.  The first newsletter is available on our COVID-19…
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How are you dealing with the coronavirus?

Are you working from home? What about the kids? Would you still shake someone’s hand? If we all answer this short questionnaire en masse, experts will be better able to assess the evolution of the corona curve. The impact of the measures will only be visible in the hospitalisation rates…
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COVID-19 news article on telework

If half of the Belgians would telework, it can really make a difference in #flattenthecurve! Using our meta-population model for Belgium, we are analysing many distancing scenarios and made a first press release in de Standaard on March 17. See our cover-19 page for other ongoing projects.
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SIMID course

We are happy to announce that our yearly course is integrated in the Antwerp Summer University initiative and will take place from 7-11 September 2020 in collaboration with Hasselt University and the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp. (more…)
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The maths behind disease transmission

Prof. Niel Hens gave an interview for the EU Research magazine on the TransMID project and it implications for public health. Within the project, new sophisticated methods are developed to model transmission dynamics of infectious diseases more accurately. Read the full article here or download the pdf.
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SIMID course: 17-21 September 2018

We are happy to announce the 7th SIMID course on "Infectious Disease Modelling and Health Economic Evaluation of Vaccines" for people who want to expand their modelling toolbox and understanding of cost-effectiveness analysis when it is applied to vaccines. The 5 day course in Antwerp, Belgium, will include many tutorials in…
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