We must be up to something good: prizes & awards shower!

Recently Prof Niel Hens was awarded a €1.6m Consolidator grant from the European Research Council for a new project on mathematical modelling called TransMID The grant will reinforce the SIMID project and the bridge between our research groups in Antwerp and Hasselt. Dr Benson Ogunjimi received the University of Antwerp’s…
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Dr Adriaan Blommaert

Adriaan Blommaert successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Health econometric studies into the determinants of antibiotic consumption and the cost-effectiveness of adult influenza and pneumococcal vaccination strategies." on 3rd February 2016 at the University of Antwerp. It was a joint PhD UAntwerp-UHasselt. Adriaan will continue working at CHERMID on the…
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SIMID Workshop 2015

The Centre for Health Economic Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (VAXINFECTIO), University of Antwerp and the Center for Statistics (I-BioStat), Hasselt University were pleased to organise the 6th SIMID Workshop in Antwerpen from 28 to 29 April 2015.  This two-day workshop covered the use of statistical methodology in infectious disease epidemiology and for…
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SIMID Course 2015

Our sixth SIMID course will take place on 7-11 September 2015 in the historic city of Bruges (Belgium). Topics: - Day 1: General introduction to R - Day 2: Mathematical models for infectious diseases - Day 3: Estimating infectious disease parameters from serological and social contact data - Day 4: Health…
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PGEE (with R code)

We have proposed penalized generalized estimating equations with Elastic Net or L2-Smoothly Clipped Absolute Deviation penalization to simultaneously select the most important variables and estimate their effects for longitudinal Gaussian data when multicollinearity is present. The method is able to consistently select and estimate the main effects even when strong…
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Studenten lopen bij start academiejaar groter risico op mazelen

De aula’s van hogescholen en universiteiten lopen opnieuw vol, tienduizenden studenten beginnen gemotiveerd aan een nieuw academiejaar. Antwerpse en Hasseltse onderzoekers waarschuwen hen voor een mogelijke heropflakkering van de mazelen. “Jonge twintigers werden immers niet allemaal even goed gevaccineerd, en omdat ze vele contacten hebben, zijn ze vatbaar voor het…
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