Monday APRIL 12, 2010
Mini-workshop: presentation of new book
Niel Hens, Ziv Shkedy, Marc Aerts, Christel Faes, Pierre Van Damme and Philippe Beutels: Modeling Infectious Disease Parameters Based on Serological and Social Contact Data: A Modern Statistical Perspective. (Springer Press, forthcoming.)
- Ziv Shkedy: Mathematical models for infectious diseases: an introduction
- Marc Aerts: Estimating the force of infection from seroprevalence data
- Niel Hens: Estimating and applying WAIFW-matrices in mathematical models
Introduction to the SIMID project, sponsored by the institute for Promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT)
- Philippe Beutels
Mathematical modeling of infectious diseases methods
- Nele Goeyvaerts: Using data on social contacts and serological status to estimate transmission dynamics and to infer on immunological processes (with applications to VZV and parvovirus B19)
- Jacco Wallinga: Stratified populations, contact patterns and infection chains
- Gail Potter: Estimation of within-Household Contact Networks
- Niel Hens: Modeling incomplete Epidemic trees
- Gunther Zauner: Comparison of individual-based models vs dynamic compartiment and cohort models for communicable diseases
- James Wood: Using a bayasion sequential Monte Carlo approach to estimate transmission parameters for mumps in Australia
- Piero Manfredi: Artificial contact data
- Olivier Lejeune: Estimating travel importance using contact patterns and serology: application to hepatitis A
Tuesday APRIL 13, 2010
Mathematical modeling of infectious diseases – applications
Influenza H1N1
- Marc Van Ranst: Influenza H1N1 in Belgium in 2009-2010: evolution and mitigation strategies in the European context
- Ira Longini: Mathematical Models for the Transmission and Control of Pandemic H1N1 Influenza
- John Edmunds: Evaluating H1N1 vaccination options: a real-time policy analysis
- Kari Auranen: A dynamic transmission model of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination applied to Finland
- Alessia Melegaro: Dynamic transmission models of pneumococcal vaccines: the UK experience
- Thierry Van Effelterre: A dynamic model of pneumococcal infection in the U.S.: Implications for prevention through vaccination
- Niki Popper: Dynamic modular simulation techniques for modeling of transmission and vaccination of pneumoccoci
Health economic evaluation of vaccination programmes
- Philippe Beutels: Concepts of economic evaluations applied to vaccination
- Joke Bilcke: Quantifying uncertainty in health economic evaluation
- Marc Brisson: Economic evaluation of VZV vaccination in Canada
- Albert Jan Van Hoeck: Economic evaluation of VZV vaccination options for children and adults in The UK
- Maarten Postma: A micro simulation model applied to pertussis vaccination in The Netherlands
- Benoit Dervaux: Cost-effectiveness analysis of Meningococcal C vaccination in France
- An Creemers: Estimating unrelated costs of pneumococcal infections
Wednesday APRIL 14, 2010
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines: effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and policy making
- John Edmunds: Economic evaluations of HPV vaccination: an overview
- Marc Brisson: Influence of parameter and model structure uncertainty on estimated HPV vaccine effectiveness
- Mark Jit: Structural and model uncertainty in estimating the cost-utility of HPV vaccination in The UK
- Marc Arbyn: Empirical evidence on HPV vaccine efficacy and effectiveness: current state of knowledge
- Philippe Beutels: Decision making on HPV vaccination in Belgium
- Mark Jit: The use of epidemiological, modeling and economic evidence for HPV decisions in The UK